Monday, 10 June 2013

40K Fight Club Part 2

This was the second fight done in my fight club series, so Jain Zar is using the 4th ED rules, as soon as I get my hands of a 6th ED Eldar codex this is getting re-done!

Are there any 40k heroes (or villains) you would like to see go at it?

Let me know, and I will see what I can do :)

Lelith Hesperax Vs. Jain Zar
(The battle of the scary Eldar close combat ladies)

 Jain Zar is just plain scary

Lelith has a scary stat line

Round 1 BEGIN!
Lelith goes first with a devastating seven attacks, all hit but due to her low Strength no wounds were caused.

Jain Zar is hampered by Lelith's Shardnet and goes down to only three attacks, but that could be all she needs.

Alas only one hit due to Lelith's incredibly high WS but it does not wound.

 What I thought was going to be a rather one sided fight suddenly got a lot more interesting!

Round 2 BEGIN!

Lelith scores five hits and converts that into three wounds! Jain Zar goes down! Looks like she will be waiting for another Banshee to take up the mantle of phoenix lord.

Final Result:

Lelith 3 Wounds remaining

Jain Zar 0 Wounds remaining

That fight was over lightning quick and very nearly in Lelith's first round of combat, Jain Zar with her 4th Edition Stat line and rules never really stood a chance.  Methinks the phoenix lords need serious changes for 6th! An invun save wouldn't have gone amiss.

 Lelith is truly a close combat monster! expect to see her fight again soon!

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